
Word of the Day

A BUSINESS PLAN LAYOUT SAMPLE (គំរូគម្រោងអាជីវកម្មមួយ)
  1. Executive sammary
  2. Organizational background
    1. Current status
    2. History
    3. Management team
  3. Marketing plan
    1. Pricing
    2. Demand management
    3. Distribution
    4. Promotion and brand development
  4. Operational plan
    1. Maufacturing/ deployment plan
    2. Information and communications technology plan
      1. Staffing needs
      2. Training requirements
      3. Intellectual property plan
      4. Acquisition plan
      5. Organizational learning plan
    3. Cost allocation model
  5. Financial plan
    1. Current financing
    2. Funding plan
    3. Financial forecasts
  6. Risk analysis
    1. Risk evaluation
    2. Risk management plan
  7. Decision making criteria

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